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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that is administered by ”laying on hands”.This balances the unseen life force energy that keeps us alive, with chakra balance.

A Reiki treatment should leave you feeling like you have a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.  

I was drawn to learning Reiki in 2005, as many of my regular clients saw colours , whilst I was performing facial treatments on them. This prompted me to train as a Reiki therapist, as there was clearly a strong energy between me and my clients. Many clients suggested I learnt Reiki, due to the experiences they felt whilst relaxing and having facials.

Since then, I have not looked back as Reiki is a treatment that has been a massive part of my work at Sycamore Beauty and in my personal life I have found it life changing. It has helped many clients by giving them a sense of comfort, and can help give you inner strength, confidence and clarity within your mind. 

Reiki is a very popular treatment at Sycamore Beauty and what is wonderful is each session is totally unique, depending on how you are feeling. 

Lady standing at the head of a treatment table giving hands on treatment to the lady lying down.


1 hour - £45


20 minutes - £20

The perfect end to any facial at Sycamore Beauty.

Extend that lovely feeling of PEACE and relaxation.

It can also be used at the beginning of a facial

to help unwind and "let go" of any tension.


1 Hour 30 minutes - £65

A special session to release and "let go" in a completely confidential peaceful and compassionate environment.  

The treatment starts with a mini relaxing brightening facial, followed by a beautiful balancing Reiki treat..... Bliss...



Crystal Healing can be included during any of the treatments at Sycamore Beauty to enhance your relaxation.

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